Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Glimpse

I have been missing in action for quite some time. It has been a full several months--in both good and bad ways. BUT....I am still here and I am still going strong. There has been learning, growing, a trip to Seattle to see dear friends, time at the lake, a very special wedding, a very special RING dinner, some Cornhuskin, & some state fair goodness:) Life is full & good.

School has been harder than I know how to put into words. I guess Junior year is just like that. I have been pushed far beyond what I ever imagined I was capable of--and I have to say I am proud of the results. I have four finals left & then I am going to enjoy a much-needed break.

I am learning a lot right now about a lot of things. I may post more on that & I may not. But, at the end of the day, I am still grateful for life. It is just a lot to take in some times.

Love to all.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oh, life.

It has been a week. I mean--quite the week. I am exhausted in the way that I am always exhausted at the beginning of December at the beginning of May. You'd think with this being my fourth run with college finals I would remember how all of this feels--but my body quickly forgets what it is like probably because it's so stinkin' miserable.

I'd like to share what really topped this week. I must confess that I do realize that it is only Tuesday and technically it has been far from a week. But I have been under the cloud of final projects/presentations and finals since last Tuesday--so it feels like it has already been a week. Anyways, let me explain this "thing" that really topped the week: Oh, you know, just some TORNADOES. They were ripping through here today and it was terrifying. All of my friends' parents were calling, including mine, to make sure their babies were alright. When your parents sound scared as all get out it isn't really comforting to you. asd'flkadjf'lakdsjf. Rough, rough night. Thankfully, all is well and none of us got hurt. Let is just be said, though, that there are moments where I realize my age and the fact that mommy and daddy cannot come over and rescue me--I have to make wise choices and protect myself. Sometimes, I wish I was still a child!
Love and blessings to all of you!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Birthday, Ellen Suzanne! I really cannot express how genuinely thankful I am that Ellen was born twenty years ago. I am positive I would not have survived the last two years of college without her support not to mention the rest of my life without our friendship. If you have never met this beautiful young woman, allow me to give you a bit of a glimpse into who she is:
1. Ellen is genuinely vulnerable
2. She loves the color red and all things cow (stuffed cow, cow print, cow sweater--anything, really!)
3. She has a tremendous amount of compassion
4. Her laugh is hysterical, I love it!
5. She loves to eat her jello frozen.
6. She tries with all she's got to be real, to be exactly who she is. And she succeeds. Ellen is real and it is refreshing.
7. I get to live with her for the next TWO (ahhhhh!!!!woohoooo!) years.
8. When she cries, I someimtes wonder if I need to phone an ambulance:)
9. She's brilliant. Modest about her brilliance, but brilliant nonetheless.
10. Inspiring. She's truly inspiring.

I am so thankful she was born!! Happy Birthday, ESC!


I'm Lucky.

Everyone should get a boyfriend who can do the "stanky leg."(above)
Or at least someone who has a smile like this (above).
But definitely someone who has a sense of humor like this:)

For those of you reading that know me at all, the stunning blond man in the pictures above is the man I'm crazy about. You see, that guy and I have been best friends since third grade. We've seen a lot of life together and we've also gone our separate ways and learned a lot on our own.

Elementary and Middle School were fun--we were attached at the hip in the most non-romantic way possible. This is the boy who taught me how to double jump on a trampoline, ride a go-kart, eat popcorn with no hands, and how to appreciate a good root beer. He was the first boy I ever held hands with (on the ferris wheel at the North Carolina State Fair--that's right!). He was even the first boy I ever kissed. Yes, that's right, in 8th grade. On our youth retreat. It is a very dear, sweet memory of ours. I believe it was also 8th grade that I broke up with the dear boy on Valentine's Day, in front of all our friends. I was a cruel heart breaker and I think there are still scars from that incident.

High school was a bit of a different story. Lucas and I had a lot of growing up to do individually and while we were still very active in youth group and bible study--we had moments that were really great and moments that were really awful. We both dated other people and learned a lot about ourselves in the process and a lot about what we DID NOT want in the person we chose to date. The high school years ended with an interesting twist--a twist that I will not shed a lot of light on because it's in the past and, at this point, most trivial:)

After the "interesting twist" at the end of high school, we took a month long hiatus (we were still not dating at the time, we were thinking/talking/about to before the "interesting twist" occurred) to think/process/heal from the "interesting twist" and get through the chaos that is graduation and preparing to leave for college. We dated for about a month (and had the sweetest of kisses underneath fireworks on the 4th of July, yes I am allowed to be sappy) before I broke his heart (again!) right before we both left for college. I was terrified that we'd be together going into college only for him to find someone infinitely better than I and drop me. We both moved into college (ironically enough we were going to colleges that are about ten minutes apart and located on the exact same street!) and didn't really speak until college had been under way for about a month....

We started an official relationship (that didn't include middle school drama and "interesting twists") in September 2007, and haven't really looked back. You see, I am lucky. And when I say lucky, I truly mean that I am blessed and that God has, yet again, been gracious to me and given me someone like Lucas.

Let's be real for a minute, relationships are hard work. Sometimes, extremely hard work. But I have yet to regret any of the time and effort and patience I've put into this relationship. It is genuinely worth it. We have both grown a lot since we started college, and yet we've grown closer to each other at the same time. We're at different schools which has ultimately been a blessing in disguise because we both have separate lives, but also get to join together for a lot of things as well.

He is about to finish up his second year of college (he'll be done about two weeks before me!) and I could not be more proud. He was an RA this year, for the first time ever and, I will take a moment to brag, and say that he has done a phenomenal job! He stepped up to that job and gave everything it demanded and it shows. He's also done so well in school and is just this incredibly gifted and good man. He is much too humble and would never say any of these things about himself, but I will gladly express them about him:)

So, I'm lucky. And I must admit, before ending this, that I'm not just lucky because of the deep things about him that are so incredible--the man has the best sense of humor and it keeps me sane when I am in an anxiety tailspin:)

Nothing like datin' the first boy you ever kissed....I'm so thankful:)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

you may not know, but tomorrow is a most special day.

There are two very, very special people that will be celebrating something very special tomorrow. One will celebrate at 4:24pm tomorrow afternoon and the other at some other odd hour of the day (all of us Thorp kids were born at horrific hours of the day--God bless our mother!!).

One of them is my dear and wonderful oldest brother who will be 26 years old tomorrow!! He's in the first picture, explaining how to appropriately pace yourself while enduring a rigorous hike. Oh, how I love him. He's an incredible big brother, but more than that--he's an incredible man who loves with his whole heart, gives everything 110%, and has a great sense of humor.

The second special person who will be celebrating is my bestest and dearest friend at MereCo. Ellen will be 20 years old tomorrow!! We are all most excited for this monumental day:) If you don't know Ellen the best way to describe her is that she beautifully vulnerable, incredibly humble, full compassionate, and refreshingly real about who she is. I love her!

Yay for celebrating the birth of two people I love so, so much:)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Yet Another Year...

It is mind boggling to me that my RA just slide the "End of Year, Move Out Newsletter" under my door! How is it that time is flying by this fast?!?! It makes me most uncomfortable. I thought last year went by fast, but then this year seems to have come and now it seems to be leaving just as quickly as it came. If college goes by faster each day....I am going to have some problems. I am not a fan of change or things ending/beginning. Yes, I understand that such things are necessary for life to be experienced fully, but it doesn't mean I have to like them:)

With all that in mind, there are some beautiful things I'm looking forward to as my Junior year approaches:

1. I will putting THE onyx on my hand on October 23rd, 2009. WOOOOOHOOOOOO!
2. I will be moving into my BRAND SPANKIN' NEW apartment in August with some of the greatest women in the world!
3. I will be getting a new laptop--which is a joyous occasion seeing as this one is currently a lost cause. Goodness!
4. I will be working on-campus with a group that I love dearly and I feel honored to have been chosen to be with them.
5. Cornhuskin'. Need I say more?

That's all!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

a good and full life.

You know, as stressful as this time of year is I am really doing great. I have papers, projects, and tests galore--yet I am relatively peaceful and calm. Now, if you know me well, you know that when it comes to me the definitions of peaceful and calm are a bit out of the box. Either way, I'm doing well. I'm eating right, exercising almost daily (that's a change right there, friends!), and I'm balancing my social life and my academic life beautifully. That is a huge step in the right direction for me. And it doesn't hurt that....

The TARHEELS won the National Championship last night!!!!!

I was born and raised in Chapel Hill, and my family's blood is within and without that school. It's very close to my heart, even though I broke the mold and went to an entirely different school than the beloved UNC:) Anyways, it is so exciting that the boys won!

Oh, and, I love the people in my life. They keep a smile on my face and they keep tissues nearby when I need them most:)

I hope this time of year is surprising you with it's calm and peace. Remember what's really important in life and take things one step at a time!